What does diversity mean to you?
Diversity encourages open-mindedness and a level of cultural competence needed to develop inclusive, safe, and equitable environments for all students. Diversity allows me to be me. It feels good to not have to hide who I am, and that is just adding another item to the list of why diversity is not only important, but essential to me and the continued development of my worldview.
I believe I become a better person by being exposed to a diverse array of people from many backgrounds and culture and learning new perspectives from all their lived experiences.
Listening to and learning from people with various different backgrounds, experiences, cultures, and viewpoints allows me to feel more connected to and more capable of navigating the world. It reminds me that there is life beyond my own little bubble.
Diversity is important to me because I care about others and want to learn about and support the identities and experiences that make them who they are. I learn more about others and myself more when I listen and consider a variety of voices and perspectives.
Diversity is critical to our understanding and respect for all people, regardless of background, both as a university and as a society. Without diverse people, thoughts and ideas, it is impossible for us to grow as global citizens. It is important that we learn and share ideas and knowledge from different backgrounds and experiences so that we can be more connected to others and understand a variety of viewpoints and life experiences.
Diversity is important to me because it brings different experiences and perspectives to the conversation and always results in a better outcome, product, or decision!
At a university, where the pursuit of knowledge is at the heart of everything we do, diversity is vital. We cannot do the work of understanding our world if only some of us are asking the questions. When we foster a deep sense of belonging in every member of our community, we are all better for it.
Without diversity, the world would be boring. Diversity lets us see things from new perspectives and gives us a reason to come together as humans. If everyone were the same, togetherness wouldn't be as special.
It is important to recognize and appreciate others differences. Everyone brings a unique set of experiences and perspectives that enhances any environment whether it is a workplace or the classroom.