DUS Engaged Scholars
DUS Engaged Scholars Program
DUS Engaged Scholars (DUS-ES)is a transition-based program focused on the success of first-year students from first-generation and under-represented communities. DUS-ES helps students form a strong community with peers, advisors, and administrators, build connections to university resources, and engage meaningfully with their academics. Careful attention and guidance are provided to help students find their academic niche and choose advantageous co-curricular opportunities (e.g. research, student organizations, internships, etc.).
Members meet weekly during the fall of their first-year via a first year seminar. This FYS experience allows students to earn college credit while creating strong bonds, engaging in academic inquiry, and gaining university support. Students interface with guest speakers and addressing important topics like networking, academic support, paying for college, and engagement.
Interested? Talk to your New Student Orientation (NSO) adviser for more details on how to enroll in the DUS-ES FYS.