Smeal Student Mentor Application Deadline

Start Date: 
Monday, February 27, 2023
Event Time: 
5:00 p.m.

Are you interested in taking on a leadership role where you will have the chance to make a difference? If you are a current sophomore with a 3.2 GPA or above and have a conditional or permanent offer to a Smeal major, please consider applying to become a Smeal Student Mentor!  As a Smeal Student Mentor, you will become a helpful resource for incoming first-year Penn State Smeal Students and will focus on guiding them through their first college experience and answering any questions they may have. Mentors should maintain regular communication with their assigned mentees throughout the semester, make themselves available for meetings and events with mentees, provide advice about scheduling and academics at Penn State, and encourage first-year students to get involved on campus. Mentors also partner with Smeal Undergraduate Education in leading various Smeal-affiliated events throughout the year.

Smeal Student Mentor applications are available at and are due by Monday, February 27th by 5 p.m. in 202 Business Building. Contact the Training and Recruitment Director, Noah Broderick at with any questions.