Interactive Virtual Workshop: Las Cafeteras

Start Date: 
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Event Time: 
6:00–7:30 p.m.

Interactive Virtual Workshop: Las Cafeteras
The Sounds of Resistance: From Storytelling to Movement Building
Tuesday, September 20
6:007:30 p.m.

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Facilitators: Denise Carlos, MSW and Hector Flores, Las Cafeteras
Event by the Center for the Performing Arts, in collaboration with the Hispanic Heritage Month Committee

Las Cafeteras are part of a legacy of musicians who have written themselves into the soundtrack of social change in the United States, believing they are storytellers before they are musicians.  In this virtual interactive dialogue, Carlos and Flores will focus on breaking down social and cultural influences on identity, examining perceptions of privilege and power, and reclaiming our voices. Participants will be given tools and poetry prompts to begin to create their own personal narrative, as they engage in the power of storytelling while sharing His-story, Her-story, Your-Story… Our-story.