DUS News - September 7, 2021


Adjusting to College – How to Get Help

If you are a first-year student, you may be feeling some homesickness, uncertainty, stress, confusion, and more. Please visit the Adjustment to College section of the DUSuccess website. Here you will find lots of resources to help you adjust to college life and how to find support. Feel free to share these resources with a friend, as well.

What are the rules about missing a class

Are there legitimate reasons to be absent? If you’re sick, do you need a doctor’s note before an absence can be excused? How much notice do you need to give your instructor if you know you’ll miss a class? Read the Faculty Senate Policy on Class Attendance for full details. 

Important Dates: 
Resource Spotlight: 

Bulletin Program Filter

The Undergraduate Bulletin includes an easy way to filter programs based on interests, college, and campus location. Check it out! 

Events and Announcements: 

Be an Outdoor School Counselor

University Park

Do you have an interest in the outdoors? Do you enjoy working with kids? Do you want to earn two credits for working one week as a counselor during the fall semester? Check out the Outdoor School at Shavers Creek Environmental Center! Outdoor School is a four-day, residential program for upper-elementary school students run by Penn State’s nature center, Shaver’s Creek, and staffed by Penn State student counselors. To participate in Outdoor School as a counselor, Penn State students must first submit an application. Students who are accepted will be registered for SciEd 140 or RPTM 140, Outdoor School Field Experience for academic credit concurrent with ODS. Counselors attend two required training sessions prior to the start of Outdoor School. Course information and registration materials will be available at these trainings. During their week of ODS, Penn State students must commit to being on-site 24-hours a day, typically from 1:30 p.m. on Monday through 3:00 p.m. on Friday, with free time on Wednesday or Thursday afternoon. Counselors sleep in cabins and eat family-style meals with the school students. There is indoor hot-water plumbing. Have more questions? Check out their frequently asked questions page.

Interested? The deadline to submit an application is this Thursday, September 9!

Quick Question Advising

University Park

Have a question that can be resolved in a short 5–10 minute conversation? Join us for quick question advising via Zoom on the dates and times below. Some of these topics include: discussing adding/dropping courses within deadlines; getting a form signed; using LionPATH; reviewing entrance-to-major requirements; learning about general education information not related to schedule planning; and transferring credits. Quick question advising is not intended for in-depth conversations.

For students enrolled in DUS:

  • Email your assigned adviser. Use your Penn State email.
  • Click here for Quick Question Advising via Zoom - Please note that a DUS Adviser is only available during the times listed below. All times are Eastern Time. 
    Monday 1:00–3:00 p.m.
    Tuesday 9:00–11:00 a.m.
    Wednesday 9:00–11:00 a.m.
    Thursday 1:00–3:00 p.m.
    Friday No Quick Question advising.

For students not enrolled in DUS:

Group Advising Sessions

University Park

DUS will be holding Group Advising Sessions throughout the fall semester as a way to discuss popular advising topics with groups of students. These sessions are open to all DUS students and will help you to learn more about the topic and to ask questions in a friendly, open environment.  For more information on each session, including dates and times, visit https://dus.psu.edu/group-advising. All sessions are held in the Grange Building Lobby, unless otherwise listed on the website. Some sessions have multiple dates and locations available.

Fall 2021 Sessions

All sessions are at 4:00 p.m. ET and held in the Grange Building Lobby. (Note: masks will be required, regardless of vaccination status). 

September 9: How to Get Involved:  How to Start the Semester Off on the Right Foot

Please register in advance for the September 9 session

September 23: Undergraduate Research 101

Please register in advance for the September 23 session.

October 21: Interested in Smeal?

Please register in advance for the October 21 session.

October 28: Explore and Find the Right Major for You

Please register in advance for the October 28 session.

DUS Advising for Fall Semester

University Park

There are three ways you can talk with a DUS adviser at University Park (Note: DUS students at other campuses should check how advising services are being offered where you are):

  • 20-30 minute scheduled appointment with your assigned adviser over Zoom.
  • Quick question advising with any DUS adviser over Zoom. No appointment is needed. Quick question advising will be held Mondays and Thursdays from 1:00–3:00 p.m. and Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:00–11:00 a.m. You can find the link to the Zoom room on the DUS appointments webpage.
  • Email your assigned adviser.

Mobile Food Ordering

University Park

Looking to get food on campus but don't want to venture out and wait in line? Penn State Eats, the online food and drink app is now available through the Penn State Go app. Skip the line and order all your favorites. 

It's easy, here's how:

  1. Go to the Penn State Go app
  2. Go to Dining
  3. Go to Penn State Eats and order

No lines or waiting, fast, easy, and contact-less. Enjoy! For more information and available locations, visit the Penn State Food Services website

Follow Us on Instagram

All Campuses

The Division of Undergraduate Studies is on Instagram! Follow us @PennState_DUS to see student/alumni stories, academic tips, events, announcements, and more. Share your own DUS story with us using #PennStateDUS for the chance to be featured.