Deconstructing Decision Making: Theories, Strategies, and Data
This is the eleventh annual professional development conference on academic advising sponsored by the Division of Undergraduate Studies, Office of Undergraduate Education, University Faculty Senate, Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, and The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal.
Conference Details
Date: September 25, 2012
Time: 8:30 AM–3:30 PM
Location: The Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel
Topic: Deconstructing Decision Making: Theories, Strategies, and Data
- Career Counseling and Students with Mild Disabilities: The Role of Social Competence in Decision Making, Cora Dzubak, Ph.D., Learning Center Director, Penn State York
- Career Decision Making: A Theoretical Model and Links to Academic Advising, Jeff Garis, Ph.D., Director of Career Services, Penn State University Park
- Creating Crossroads: Encouraging Students to Engage in Self-Authorship, Janet Schulenberg, Ph.D., Senior Undergraduate Studies Adviser, Penn State University Park; Meredith Chaney, M.Ed., Senior Undergraduate Studies Adviser, Penn State University Park
- Decision Making and Student Engagement, Barry Bram, M.Ed., Senior Associate Director of Unions and Student Activities, Penn State University Park; Darcy Rameker, M.A., Associate Director for Student Activities, Penn State University Park
- Faith, Focus, Finish, Susan Russell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Theatre, Penn State University Park
- Flunking Out: Intervention to Promote Informed Decision Making, Eric White, Ed.D., Executive Director, Division of Undergraduate Studies, Penn State University Park; Rachael Wiley, M.F.A., Senior Undergraduate Studies Adviser, Penn State University Park
- Integrating Academic Advising and Federal Student Aid: How Academic Decisions Can Determine Financial Aid Eligibility, Bonnie Benjamin, M.Ed., Assistant for Special Projects and New Initiatives, Office of Student Aid, Penn State University Park
- Life/Career Decision Making: Using the Bumps Along the Way, Jane Emery, M.Ed., Director of Advising and Career Development, Penn State York; Andrew Caldwell, M.S., Career Counselor/DUS Adviser, Penn State York
- Outcomes, Assessment, and Improvement, Oh My! Betty Harper, Ph.D., Senior Planning and Research Associate, Penn State University Park; Charles Brua, Ph.D., Research Associate and Instructional Consultant, Penn State University Park
- Retention 101: Piecing Together the Retention Puzzle, LaMont Rouse, Ph.D., Executive Director of Assessment, Accreditation and Compliance, Cedar Crest College
- Strategies That Connect Career and Academic Decisions, Mary Beth McCarthy, M.Ed., Director of Academic and Career Planning Center, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College; Robin Stokes, M.Ed., Director of Advising and Career Services, Penn State Brandywine
- Toeing the Line: A Retention Program for Struggling Students, Adam Yellen, Academic Adviser, Montclair State University