DUS News - November 8, 2021

Diversity Makes Us Smarter and Able to Work Harder

According to the PEW Research Center, Americans are more racially and ethnically diverse than in the past and women’s role in the labor force and leadership positions has grown tremendously. Moreover, Penn State has made a commitment to making Penn State a place that embraces human diversity. How do you benefit from this diversity? Professor Katherine Phillips at Columbia Business School argues that diversity makes us smarter and able to work harder. She also explains how diversity improves creativity and leads to better results. See this article highlighting Phillip’s findings. Even better—engage with others who are unlike you by attending events, connecting with organizations, or joining conversations about diversity.

Late Drop Deadline Is November 12

You should consult with an academic adviser if you’re considering late dropping a course to fully consider the ramifications for your degree progress, financial arrangements, and potential opportunities. The Late-Drop Checklist can help you think through the potential consequences of dropping a course prior to your advising conversation. Be sure to read up on Late Course Drop policies.

What Are You Going to Do With That Major?

Is there a chance you’ll hear this question over the upcoming Thanksgiving break? If so, know that it can trigger some predictable responses. A research study shows that this question often makes students feel anxious and inferior, especially when their majors are not aligned with a specific career. The question, although often well-meaning, reinforces a simplistic view of education as vocational training and perpetuates the myth of a linear path between major and career. Don’t let this question cause you to simply go with the flow, and don’t let it dampen your intellectual curiosities. Take some time to reflect on how this question might be influencing your decisions. Use your adviser as a sounding board to examine if those influences are leading you on a fulfilling path. And remember: majors are not careers, and your Penn State education is more than your major.

Important Dates: 
Resource Spotlight: 
Diversity Events Calendar

Wondering where you can find a comprehensive list of Diversity and Inclusion events going on at Penn State?

Check out the calendar of events on the Office of Educational Equity website!

Events and Announcements: 
First-Generation College Celebration
University Park

Are you a first-generation college student? Join fellow students at Penn State and around the country during a week-long celebration this week, November 8–10. Read, listen, and share stories of first-generation students at Penn State; join in on a national event celebrating first-generation students; or attend a virtual event specific to Penn State's first-generation students.

DUS has several former first-generation students on our staff. Read about their experiences on the DUS website. 

For a list of all events and more information, visit the First-Gen Advocates website.

Be a Parents Program Family Ambassador
University Park

Are you a student looking for a way to stay engaged with the campus community while supporting the Penn State family connection? Applications for the 2022 Parents Program Family Ambassador team are open through November 12. Spread the word! The application and more information about the Family Ambassador team can be found on the Parents Program Family Ambassador Program website

Quick Question Advising
University Park

Have a question that can be resolved in a short 5–10 minute conversation? Join us for quick question advising via Zoom on the dates and times below. Some of these topics include: discussing adding/dropping courses within deadlines; getting a form signed; using LionPATH; reviewing entrance-to-major requirements; learning about general education information not related to schedule planning; and transferring credits. Quick question advising is not intended for in-depth conversations.

For students enrolled in DUS:

Click here for Quick Question Advising via Zoom - Please note that a DUS Adviser is only available during the times listed below. All times are Eastern Time.

QQA times for November 1–12

Monday - Friday 9:00–11:00 a.m. & 1:00–3:00 p.m.

For students not enrolled in DUS:

Academic Peer Mentoring Program (APMP)
University Park

Are you passionate about helping others? Do you want to gain valuable workplace skills? Apply to be an academic peer mentor. Mentors will learn tactics to: 

  • Help mentees with time management, study-skill development, and more
  • Learn and implement active listening and motivational interviewing skills
  • Discover how to build a successful mentoring relationship and make referrals

Interested? Get started in four easy steps:

  1. Complete the APMP application online by December 3. (If you’re interested in APMP, save Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. on your spring 2022 class.)
  2. Earn a B or higher in a one-credit preparatory course.
  3. Attend a mentorship interview.
  4. Begin mentoring students.

For questions about the program or the class, contact spc83@psu.edu.

Join the New Student Orientation OTeam
University Park

Interested in helping the Class of 2026 to join Penn State? Join the Orientation Team! We are seeking diverse, dedicated, enthusiastic, resourceful, and motivated students to join our 2022 Orientation Team (OTeam). New Student Orientation (NSO) begins the transition to Penn State, and the OTeam makes the difference for new students and their families. Members of the OTeam will serve as group facilitators, resource persons, role models, and ambassadors for Penn State during NSO. You can learn more about the Orientation Team by visiting oteam.psu.edu.

Interested? Apply online - Applications due by November 24, 2021.

Free Professional Headshots
University Park

Want a professional photo of yourself for your social media pages, LinkedIn account, or just to show your parents? Stop by the Bank of America Career Services Building any Tuesday or Friday during the fall semester for a free professional headshot!

Tuesdays: 3:30–4:30 p.m. ET
Fridays: 2:00–3:00 p.m. ET

Support DUS on GivingTuesday
All Campuses

We in DUS are so grateful for all of our students, and we want to continue to give them the best Penn State experience possible. This year on GivingTuesday, DUS will be raising money for the Division of Undergraduate Studies Award for Exploratory Students. This award will provide eligible students with funds for textbooks, lab fees, and other expenses above and beyond tuition.

>Share our DUS GivingTuesday page with friends and family to show your support, and follow our posts this month on Instagram @PennState_DUS for student stories about the importance of the DUS experience. Donations will be accepted from Nov. 15 through GivingTuesday on Nov. 30.