DUS News - November 28, 2022

Entrance to Major

Have you already decided on a major? If so, you may be able to enter that major now. You can declare many Penn State majors as soon as you have earned a 2.00 GPA and completed at least 29.1 credits. This can be done through the "Update Academics" function in LionPATH. To see what the entrance-to-major requirements are for your intended major, visit the "How to Get In" section of the program page for that major in the Bulletin. As soon as you meet the entrance criteria, you can go on to Update Academics in LionPATH to officially declare your major.

Planning on a major with enrollment controls? Make sure you take a close look at the credit window, GPA requirements, and course requirements. And if you haven’t spoken with your assigned adviser yet about potential entrance-to-major requirements, now would be a great time in the semester to do so. 

Do Minors Matter?

You know that choosing your major is an important decision in your college career; it will shape your education and experiences during your time at Penn State and beyond. But what about your choice of a college minor? Do minors matter? Minors have many benefits and are great way to enhance your education and explore a new subject. When thinking about your minor choice, it is important to reflect on your goals, interests, and how your minor will complement your major coursework. In addition, some majors at Penn State require a minor. To search Penn State minors, take a look at the Bulletin for inspiration, and visit with your adviser to talk about planning a minor!

Withdrawal Deadline

If you’re doing poorly in most or all of your classes, talk to an academic adviser as soon as possible about your options. Withdrawal from the fall semester might be appropriate for you, but it’s a serious decision and should be discussed with family members as well as Student Aid and your adviser. The deadline to withdraw is next Friday, December 9. If you are unable to speak with your adviser, you can take advantage of Quick Question Advising hours. 

You also have the option to take a leave of absence for future semesters. 

Important Dates: 
Resource Spotlight: 
Update Academics

Ready to declare your major (and possibly add on a minor)? You can do this through the “Update Academics” page in LionPATH. Visit the LionPATH Help page here for step-by-step instructions on how to change, update, or declare a major, minor or certificate.

"Update Academics" will be shut down beginning on Friday, December 16, and will re-open in early January.

Events and Announcements: 
Student Engagement Network (SEN) Grant Program
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The Student Engagement Network (SEN) Grant Program is now accepting applications for spring 2023! The SEN will be awarding grants of up to $2,000 to support student engagement experiences. 

Learn more and apply on the SEN Grant Program website. Group grants are also available. Please contact the SEN (mjz120@psu.edu) to discuss any group grant ideas in advance.

The application deadline is December 18th, 2022.

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The Division of Undergraduate Studies is on Instagram! Follow us @PennState_DUS to see student/alumni stories, academic tips, events, announcements, and more. Share your own DUS story with us using #PennStateDUS for the chance to be featured.