Undergraduate degree-seeking students admitted to the University as a first-year student may begin at one of twenty Penn State campuses.
Changes to University Park:
- DUS approval for change of campus to UP prior to completing four semesters at another location is typically granted when required courses for the student's intended major are not available at the current campus. Students cannot be denied because of their grade-point average.
- Early change of campus to University Park for non-academic (i.e., health, personal) reasons will be considered when the DUS Programs Coordinator at the campus (or other appropriate personnel who have direct knowledge of the personal circumstance) provides support for the change of campus. These exceptions will be examined on a case-by-case basis. Approval will be determined by the documentation and/or verification of the extenuating circumstances, as well as verification of a realistic academic goal.
- If the student qualifies for entrance to the desired College at University Park, the student should request a change of major via Update Academics first and then submit the change of campus request through Update Campus, both in LionPATH.
Changes to Locations Other Than University Park:
- A request to change to DUS at any campus other than University Park must be discussed with a DUS adviser at the receiving campus, as well as with a DUS adviser at the student’s current location to determine the appropriateness of the request.
- Student makes an official change of campus request through Update Campus in LionPATH.