Q. What is Academic Warning?
To earn a degree from Penn State, all students must have a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade-point average. Students go in Academic Warning status when their cumulative grade-point average has fallen below a 2.00. Academic Warning is an intervention to ensure students work with representatives who can help contribute to their academic success.
Q. What are the consequences of being on Academic Warning?
At the time that final grades post, if on Academic Warning, a registration hold will be placed on a student’s account that prevents enrollment for subsequent semesters. The hold will allow students to adjust their current schedule, but prevent enrollment for subsequent terms.
Also, while on Academic Warning, students must maintain a minimum semester grade-point average of 2.00. If a student does not meet the minimum semester grade-point average while on Academic Warning, they will be put on Academic Suspension (unable to enroll at any Penn State campus for two consecutive semesters).
Q. How do I remove the registration hold while on Academic Warning?
Students in academic warning are required to meet with their assigned academic adviser. Following this meeting, the academic adviser can approve the removal of the registration hold.
Q. How do I remove myself from Academic Warning?
By reaching a cumulative grade-point average of 2.00, students are no longer on Academic Warning.
Q. How is my cumulative grade-point average calculated? What is the difference between cumulative and semester grade-point averages? Where can I find both grade-point averages?
The cumulative grade-point average is the weighted mean value of all grade points earned through enrollment in Penn State courses including online courses and any Penn State campus. A semester grade-point average is calculated using only Penn State courses completed for one specific semester. Please visit the University Registrar’s Grade-Point Average site for more information.
You can find both cumulative grade-point average and averages for each semester by viewing your unofficial transcript in LionPATH.
Q. Why must I meet with an adviser to prevent/remove the registration hold?
Advisers at Penn State are invested in the personal and academic success of students. Advisers are aware of University resources and have experience assisting students with overcoming challenges. A conversation with an adviser allows students to reflect and develop a plan to move forward successfully. In addition to other considerations, it is a time to:
- Reflect on the challenges that led to Academic Warning
- Discuss the resources available for support
- Plan a balanced schedule for the upcoming semester
- Understand GPA, grades required for Good Standing, and the Suspension Policy