When should I take the LSAT?

Most law school applicants take the Law School Admissions Test since it is the test that is accepted by all law schools.  Many schools now accept the GRE instead of the LSAT so it may be a possibility for certain applicants.  For the list of schools and for more information about the GRE, go to ETS. If you are considering the GRE, take a timed practice test (on you own, not a registered test) for both the GRE and LSAT and then meet with the Pre-Law Adviser before you decide which test to study for and take officially.   

You should take a standardized test only one time when you are the most prepared to take it but it is fine to take it a second time, if needed. You must submit all scores to law schools and there are limits to the number of times you can take the LSAT, so you do not want to take it more times than necessary.  If you plan to go law school the fall following college graduation, you should plan to take the LSAT by October of your fourth year at Penn State at the latest. The LSAT is only offered at specific times of the year so you need to plan ahead. If you can be ready for the test in June between your third and fourth years at Penn State, it will give you a month after classes end to focus solely on test preparation. If not, plan for the  August/September test (month varies depending on year) or October exams during your fourth year (or the year before you plan to apply if you have already graduated).   For more information about upcoming LSAT dates, go to LSAC Future LSAT test dates.  

Law schools see all of your scores so do not take the test before you are ready! Most law schools take your highest score but some consider all of them. You can only take the LSAT five times within the current reportable period (5 years) and a total of seven times over a lifetime. For more information on the LSAT repeat policy, go to LSAC's Frequently Asked Questions