Note: Not all law schools require the certification form. If it is required, each school will provide the form along with the application material you need.
All students, with the exception of those enrolled in the College of the Liberal Arts, must submit the dean's certification form to the dean of their college of enrollment. Students in the College of the Liberal Arts should submit the dean's certification form to the academic department in which they are enrolled.
The office that receives the form will determine the time required to complete them. It is the student's responsibility when planning the admission process to allow sufficient time for completion of the dean's certification form. Please consider that the University is closed during winter break and no forms can be processed during that time.
Complete the student portion of the form and sign and date the waiver.
Ask the office completing the form(s) if you should a stamped, addressed envelope for each form and indicate whether you want the form returned to you or sent directly to the law school.