A collage of images showing the variety of options for the B-Phil major.

Degree Requirements

  1. Satisfactory completion of a program approved by the committee:
    1. a minimum of 120 credits to include at least 18 credits at the 400- or 500-level;
    2. certification by the faculty mentor; and
    3. approval of a capstone, thesis, or equivalent by the faculty mentor.
  2. Approval for graduation by the committee following the presentation and defense of the capstone, thesis, or equivalent.

Capstone Defense

Each B.Phil. candidate participates in a one- to two-hour meeting with the Bachelor of Philosophy Degree Committee after completion of the capstone thesis or project. Here, accompanied by the mentor, students have the opportunity to share their work, explain the scholarly relevance or contributions of their capstone, and respond to faculty questions. The Bachelor of Philosophy Degree Committee will offer suggestions for revisions and may either accept the thesis or project or suggest continued work and future reconsideration. The project or thesis must be submitted at least two weeks before the meeting to allow the committee sufficient time for reading and reflection.

The meeting is also an opportunity to reflect on the larger undergraduate experience. Students should be prepared to offer an opening presentation of five to ten minutes. Students’ opening presentations should cover: the ways in which elements of their B.Phil. curriculum have added up to a cohesive approach to knowledge, the relation of their work to general education, and the place of their educational experience in the larger civic and social community beyond the University.