A collage of images showing the variety of options for the B-Phil major.

Bachelor of Philosophy Program Application

Section 1: Student Applicant's Information

Section 2: Faculty Mentor Information

Section 3: Academic Objectives

The Bachelor of Philosophy program enables students, working with a faculty mentor, to bring together unique combinations of courses, research, and practice, to produce an individualized degree.  Each Bachelor of Philosophy program of study must provide depth and breadth equivalent to the rigor and the development of a body of knowledge and skill present in traditional majors. 

1) What is the tentative title of your Bachelor of Philosophy program?

2) Describe the fields of knowledge that you will integrate in your Bachelor of Philosophy program.

3) What work, inside or outside of the classroom, have you done toward a Bachelor of Philosophy degree?

4) What do you want to do after you earn your undergraduate degree?

5) Provide a proposed semester-by-semester course plan. Keep in mind that this semester plan is a draft.